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331 results
Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland’s Application
[2013] NIQB 1 Treacy J
Queen v Brian Shivers
[2013] NICA 4 Morgan LCJ
AIB Group (UK) PLC and Adrian McGovern
[2013] NIMaster 20
Queen v Aaron Weir and Gary Colin Cromie
[2013] NICA 3 Coghlin LJ
Northern Bank Ltd and Lawson Martin and Clive James Richardson
[2013] NICh 1 Deeny J
Quinn Finance and Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd and Quinn Hotels Praha AS and Lyndhurst Development Trading SA and Dmytro Zaitsev and Oleksandr Serpokrylov
[2013 NICh 2 McCloskey J
Queen v Daniel Curran
[2013] NICA 1 Morgan LCJ
Blue Autumn Limited v Glenview Nursing Home
[2013] NICty 3
Bank of Ireland and Joseph Walker
[2013] NICA 2 Morgan LCJ