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331 results
McLarnon (Michael), McKeown (Gerald) and Chakravartis’ (Leon) Applications (Leave stage) and in the matter of decisions of the Chief Constable of Police Service for Northern Ireland
[2013] NIQB 40 Girvan LJ
Re JR 38's Application (In the matter of an application by JR 38 for Judicial Review)
[2013] NIQB 44 Morgan LCJ
Pollocks’ Application (Appeal)
[2013] NICA 16 Girvan LJ
Brownlee’s Application
[2013] NIQB 36 Treacy J
Breslin and others and Murphy and Daly
[2013] NIQB 35 Gillen J
Sandale Developments' Application
[2013] NIQB 38 Treacy J
Taylor (Jeremy) trading as Tracked Dumper Hire UK v Bank Of Ireland (UK) PLC
[2013] NIQB 50 Weatherup J
Queen v Leonard Henry Warwick
[2013] NICA 13 Girvan LJ
Miskelly, Jonathan and The Restaruant Group UK Ltd
[2013] NICA 15 Coghlin LJ
McCann, John and Jonathan McCann and Vector Facilities Management and Wallace Contracts (NBI) Ltd
[2013] NICA 14 Morgan LCJ
Cooleys’ (Annette and Rosaleen) Applications
[2013] NIQB 31 Treacy J
Craven (James Anthony) and Caroline Craven & Others v Gabriele Giambrone p/a Giambrone & Law, Solicitors and European Lawyers
[2013] NIQB 61 Weatherup J
Queen v Robert James Shaw Rodgers
[2013] NICC 4 Horner J
R v Leonard Henry Warwick
[2013] NICA 13 Girvan LJ
Campbell’s (Margaret) Application
[2013] NIQB 32 Treacy J
Alternative A5 Alliance’s Application
[2013] NIQB 30 Stephens J
Welsh, Tara and Bank of Ireland (UK) PLC
[2013] NIMaster 6 Master Kelly
JR 57’s Application
[2013] NIQB 33 Horner J