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331 results
R v Hyde
[2013] NICA 8 Morgan LCJ
Queen v Neil Hyde
[2013] NICA 8 Morgan LCJ
Queen v Robert Scott
[2013] NICC 3 McCloskey J
Antrim Borough Council and Malachy McCann
[2013] NICA 7 Girvan LJ
McKenzies (NI) Ltd and Alucra Developments Ltd v David Graham Structures
[2013] NIQB 17 Weatherup J
Queen v Robert James Shaw Rodgers
[2013] NICC 2 Horner J
Ulster Weavers Home Fashions Limited and Waterfall NI Limited
[2013] NIMaster 2 Master Bell
In the matter of the Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 between SMcC and Southern Health and Social Care Trust and HJM
[2013] NIFam 2 Maguire J
T and T
[2013] NIMaster 4
Queen v Karen McKechnie
[2013] NICA 41 Morgan LCJ
DB’s Application
[2013] NIQB 13 Treacy J
R v Stewart (Hazel)
[2013] NICA 82 Girvan LJ
Quinn Finance and Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd and Quinn Hotels Praha AS and Demesne Investments Ltd and Lyndhurst Developments Trading SA and Dmytro Zaitsev and Oleksandr Serpokrylov
[2013] NICh 4 McCloskey J
AB Limited. JW. SM and CM v Facebook Ireland Limited and A person or persons adopting the pseudonyms Ann Driver and Alan Driver
[2013] NIQB 14 McCloskey J
Gibson (Banbridge) Ltd v Fermanagh District Council
[2013] NIQB 16 Weatherup J
Walker’s (Joseph) Application
[2013] NIQB 12 Horner J
R v Patricia McGrade
[2013] NICC 8 His Honour Judge Miller KC
Northstone (NI) Ltd v KPF Contracts Ltd
[2013] NIQB 11 Weatherup J