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331 results
ACC Bank PLC and Sean McCann
[2013] NIMaster 1 Master Kelly
McAlarney v AIB
[2013] NICA 43 Morgan LCJ
Jamieson v AIB
[2013] NICA 42 Morgan LCJ
McGlinchey’s (Marian) Application
[2013] NIQB 5 Stephens J
JR 47’s Application
[2013] NIQB 7 McCloskey J
TCM’s Application
[2013] NIQB 2 Gillen J
ZY and Paul Higgins and Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service
[2013] NIQB 8 McCloskey J
Queen v Barry Michael McCarney
[2013] NICC 1 Stephens J
In the matter of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 between A Trust and EB SG
[2013] NIFam 1 Maguire J
Queen v Nigel James Brown and Gary Ryan Taylor
[2013] NICA 5 Morgan LCJ
Director of Public Prosecution's Application
[2013] NIQB 4 Coghlin LJ
Breslin and others and Murphy and Daly
[2013] NIQB 15 Gillen J
Melbourne Mortgages Ltd and Gerard Berry
[2013] NIMaster 3
Queen v JW
[2013] NICA 6 Girvan LJ
Foden’s (Ivan) Application
[2013] NIQB 2 Horner J
Tennyson, Conor and Inmark (NI) Ltd v Joseph Laurence Devlin and Alan Rooney and John Rooney and t/a Rooney's Scrapyard and Rooneys Metals Ltd
[2013] NIQB 9 Weatherup J
Walsh, David Christopher and Others v Bank of Scotland PLC
[2013] NIQB 26 Weatherup J
R v Ashok Kumar
[2013] NICC 12 His Honour Judge McFarland