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404 results
Jennifer Andrews and Bryson Charitable Group
[2023] NICA 26 McCloskey LJ
F and M
[2023] NICA 27 McCloskey LJ
In the matter of an inquest into the deaths of Daniel Doherty and William Fleming - Ruling on application by certain witnesses for aonoymity and screening
[2023] NICoroner 5 Huddleston J
King v Jonathan Playfair
[2023] NICC 15 His Honour Judge Rafferty KC
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Raychel Ferguson
[2023] NICoroner 6 Mr McCrisken
Ms Bernadette Sexton (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent
NIVT 18/22E Mr Gibson
AD (Appellant) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
NIVT 31/21 Mr Gibson
Magell Ltd v Ferhat Ekici & Ali Nassar
BT/71 & 72/2022 (Part 2 - Costs) Mr Spence
King v James Alexander Smith
[2023] NICA 31 Keegan LCJ
Suresh Deman and (1) The Industrial Tribunals and Fair Employment Tribunal, Patricia McVeigh and Rene Murray (2) The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, Evelyn Collins, Joan Harbinson and Bob Collins
[2023] NICA 33 Humphreys J
Summary of Judgment - R v James Alexander Smith (CCRC Reference)
Summary of Judgment - R v James Alexander Smith (CCRC Reference)
Herbert Smith Freehills v Fitzwilliam Trustees Number 1 Ltd & Ano
BT/36-38/2021 Huddleston J , Mr Spence
Summary of judgment - In the matter of an Application for Judicial Review - Eileen Wilson
Summary of Judgment - Court dismisses Judicial Review in relation to application of the UK Planned Treatment Scheme
Wilson's (Eileen) Application (leave stage) and Eileen Wilson and 1.Department of Health for Northern Ireland 2.South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust 3. Health and Social Care Board
[2023] NIKB 59 Colton J
Murphy's (Kevin) Application (Leave stage)
[2023] NIKB 58 Treacy LJ
Department of Justice and JR123
[2023] NICA 30 McCloskey LJ
TA's (A minor) acting by his mother and Next Friend Application and In the matter of decisions of Compensation Services NI and the Department of Justice
[2023] NIKB 57 Scoffield J
King v Samuel Atcheson and Stephen Hunter
[2023] NICC 11 McBride J