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404 results
JR147's Application and in the matter of decisions by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2023] NIKB 67 Colton J
Gintas Vengalis and Republic of Lithuania
[2023] NIDiv 5 McCloskey LJ
Inquest touching upon the death of Orlaith Quinn
[2022] NICoroner 13 Miss Dougan
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses appeal against abortion regulation
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses appeal against abortion regulations
Tesco Stores Ltd and Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and ASDA stores Ltd
[2023] NICA 34 Keegan LCJ
In the matter of an application for Forfeiture of a Security and Director of Public Prosecution and Victoria Mackey
[2023] NIKB 65 Rooney J
JR 253's Application (Leave Stage) and in the matter of a decision of The Department of Education
[2023] NIKB 62 Colton J
McAreavey (Patrick) Application for Judicial Review (Leave Stage)
[2023] NIKB 61 Humphreys J
SPUC Pro - Life Limited Application for Judicial Review
[2023] NICA 35 Keegan LCJ
King v Fionnghuale Perry
[2023] NICC 12 O'Hara J
Cameron (Colm) Application for Judicial Review (No. 1)
[2023] NIKB 63 Humphreys J
Cameron (Colm) Application for Judicial Review (No. 2)
[2023] NIKB 64 Humphreys J
Michael Richard Mulhern and Jacqueline Patricia Mulhern and The Australian Government and The Commonwealth of Australia
[2023] NICA 32 Scoffield J
Michael Richard Mulhern and Jacqueline Patricia Mulhern and The Australian Government and The Commonwealth of Australia
[2023] NICA 32 Scoffield J
O'Murchu's (Risteard) Application (leave stage) and Darren Williams and Minister for Health for Northern Ireland and Department of Health for Northern Ireland
[2023] NICA 29 Treacy LJ
O'Murchu (Risteard) Application for Judicial Review (leave stage) and Darren Williams and Minister for Health for Northern Ireland and Department of Health for Northern Ireland
[2023] NICA 28 Treacy LJ
Tanner's (Curtis) Application and in the matter of a decision of The Northern Ireland Prison Service
[2023] NIKB 60 Scoffield J
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Daniel Doherty and William Fleming - Open Ruling on the Claim for Public Interest Immunity
[2023] NICoroner 4 Huddleston J