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19 results
A Health and Social Care Trust v A Mother and A Father in the matter of three children C4, C5 AND C6
[2023] NIFam 23 McFarland J
A Health and Social Care Trust v A Mother and A Father In the matter of a female child aged 6 years 10 months
[2023] NIFam 22 McFarland J
In the matter of an application under article 57(1) of the Adoption (NI) Order 1987 In the matter of CT a 15 year old child
[2023] NIFam 24 McFarland J
A Grandmother v A Mother in the matter of a female child GE aged 4 years
[2023] NIFam 21 McFarland J
The King v Mark Dunlop
[2023] NICA 76 McFarland J
Practice Note 01/2023 - Electronic transmission of certain documents in Freeing for Adoption cases
Practice Note 01/2023 - Electronic transmission of certain documents in Freeing for Adoption cases McFarland J
A Mother v A Health and Social Care Trust and A Father
[2023] NIFam 14 McFarland J
A Mother and A Father In The Matter of a Female Child Aged 11 Years
[2023] NIFam 13 McFarland J
Kevin Winters, Niall Murphy, Joseph McVeigh, Gerard McNamara, Michael Crawford, Paul Pierce and KRW Law LLP and News Group Newspapers Limited
[2023] NIKB 85 McFarland J
A Health and Social Care Trust v JU
[2023] NIFam 12 McFarland J
A Mother and A Father and in the matter of RO a male child aged 18 months
[2023] NIFam 11 McFarland J
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and The Deputy Public Prosecution of Marseille District Court, Republic of France and The Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People and in the matter of a female child aged 3 years and 5 months
[2023] NIFam 10 McFarland J
A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and A Father and in the matter of GA (a female child ages 13 months)
[2023] NIFam 9 McFarland J
A Mother and A Health and Social Care Trust and in the matter of AB (A male child aged 3½ years)
[2023] NFam 7 McFarland J
Kevin Winters, Niall Murphy, Joesph McVeigh, Gerard McNamara, Peter Corrigan, Michael Crawford, Paul Pierce, Darragh Mackin and KRW Law LLP and News Group Newspapers Limited
[2023] NIKB 45 McFarland J
A Mother and A Father and A Health and Social Care Trust and in the matter of TY (No 2) (A male child aged 4 years)
[2023] NIFam 5 McFarland J
JR245 Application
[2023] NIKB 32 McFarland J