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145 results
Gavin McKenna v Ministry of Defence
[2023] NICA 85 McCloskey LJ
Oliver Hughes and the Department for Communities
[2023] NICA 60 McCloskey LJ
Eileen Wilson and May Kitchen v Department of Health for Northern Ireland, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
[2023] NICA 54 McCloskey LJ
Roberta Young and Ards and North Down Borough Council
[2023] NICC 53 McCloskey LJ
DPP v Kevin Nixon
[2023] NICA 57 McCloskey LJ
Abdul Said and Secretary of State for The Home Department
[2023] NICA 49 McCloskey LJ
Patrick Galo and Bombardier Aerospace UK
[2023] NICA 50 McCloskey LJ
Pavel Torac and Czech Republic
[2023] NIDIV 2 McCloskey LJ
Omar Mahmud v Secretary of State for the Home Department [No.2]
[2023] NICA 80 McCloskey LJ
Mark Toal v Department of Justice
[2023] NICA 58 McCloskey LJ
Gintas Vengalis and Republic of Lithuania
[2023] NIDiv 5 McCloskey LJ
Jennifer Andrews and Bryson Charitable Group
[2023] NICA 26 McCloskey LJ
F and M
[2023] NICA 27 McCloskey LJ
Department of Justice and JR123
[2023] NICA 30 McCloskey LJ
Ronald Lewis, Trading as RL Services and McNicholl Hughes Limited and Eugene McNicholl
[2023] NICA 17 McCloskey LJ
King v Qing Wen Lin, Long Quang Lin Lin Zheng, Zhu Lin & Yang Wu Chen
[2023] NICA 11 McCloskey LJ
CAO v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2023] NICA 14 McCloskey LJ
General Prosecutor's Office of Latvia and Maris Ancevskis and in the matter of an application by Maris Ancevskis for leave to apply for Judicial Review [Latvia v Ancevskis No.2]
[2023] NIKB 21 McCloskey LJ