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145 results
[2021] NIFam 30 McCloskey LJ
Paul and Selena Tweed and J & E Davy, T/A Davy
[2021] NICA 43 McCloskey LJ
Dusevicius, Gintaras and The Republic of Lithuania
[2021] NIQB 70 McCloskey LJ
JK and LM
[2021] NICA 41 McCloskey LJ
TF and NI Public Services Ombudsman
[2021] NICA 39 McCloskey LJ
Michailovas, Viktoras and The Republic of Lithuania
[2021] NIQB 60 McCloskey LJ
Jonah Horne and United States of America (No.3)
[2021] NIQB 67 McCloskey LJ
Emma Walsh and Office of the Industrial Tribunal and The Governing Body of Belfast Metropolitan College
[2021] NICA 26 McCloskey LJ
Department for Infrastructure (Formerly Department for Regional Development) and Northstone (NI) Limited
[2021] NICA 23 McCloskey LJ
Queen v Terence McCafferty
[2021] NICA 22 McCloskey LJ
Jonah Horne v United States of America (No. 2)
[2021] NIQB 36 McCloskey LJ
Ernest Graham and Matthew Graham and Karen Graham
2021 NICA 25 McCloskey LJ
Dusecivius (Gintaris) and Viktoras Michilovas and The Republic of Lithuania
[2021] NIQB 42 McCloskey LJ
R v Luke Walls
[2021] NICA 19 McCloskey LJ
Queen v John Murphy
[2021] NICA 16 McCloskey LJ
Aristidas Balcetis and Ulsterbus Limited and Translink
[2021] NICA 9 McCloskey LJ
Suresh Deman and Sunday Newspapers Limited, John Cassidy and Richard Sullivan
[2021] NICA 8 McCloskey LJ
Queen v Michael Devine
[2021] NICA 7 McCloskey LJ