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277 results
Sherrie's (Michael) Application
[2017] NIQB 134 McCloskey J
Murphy's (Paul) Application
[2017] NIQB 91 McCloskey J
Murphy's (Paul) Application
[2017] NIQB 138 McCloskey J
Zhang (Huaying) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2017] NIQB 92 McCloskey J
Fullerton's (Clive) Application for leave to apply for judicial review
[2017] NIQB 101 McCloskey J
Fitzsimmons (Robert) v Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2013] NIQB 92 McCloskey J
Curistan (Marian Anne) v Thomas Martin Keenan (In the matter of Sheridan Millennium Limited and in the matter of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989)
[2013] NICh 13 McCloskey J
McCrea’s (Anthony) Application (Leave Stage)
[2013] NIQB 87 McCloskey J
McKee (Victoria) v Lisa Annett
[2013] NIQB 72 McCloskey J
Flanagan (Christine) v Britvic (NI) Plc, Johnny Irvine and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance
[2013] NIQB 73 McCloskey J
Ulster Bank/Taggarts Litigation (Ruling Re Khanna Subpoena)
[2013] NIQB 71 McCloskey J
The Ulster Bank/Taggarts Litigation
[2013] NIQB 54 McCloskey J
HL (A minor) v Facebook Incorporated & Ors
[2013] NIQB 25 McCloskey J
Lowry Brothers Ltd and Albert George Wilson, Trading as A G Wilson and Northern Ireland Water Ltd - Judgment No 2
[2013] NIQB 23 McCloskey J
McCann, Donard and Kevin Higgins
[2013] NIQB 21 McCloskey J
Queen v Robert Scott
[2013] NICC 3 McCloskey J
Quinn Finance and Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd and Quinn Hotels Praha AS and Demesne Investments Ltd and Lyndhurst Developments Trading SA and Dmytro Zaitsev and Oleksandr Serpokrylov
[2013] NICh 4 McCloskey J
AB Limited. JW. SM and CM v Facebook Ireland Limited and A person or persons adopting the pseudonyms Ann Driver and Alan Driver
[2013] NIQB 14 McCloskey J