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277 results
Rodney McComb (and Others) And Alec Rogan, Trading as Value Coaches and Benn Thomas Allen Trading as Allen Tours
[2008] NIQB 144 McCloskey J
MA v Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
[2008] NIQB 143 McCloskey J
Siberry's Application No. 2 (Hazel)
[2008] NIQB 147 McCloskey J
DXF's Application
[2008] NIQB 138 McCloskey J
Siberry's Application (Hazel)
[2008] NIQB 117 McCloskey J
George Samuel Barr and Her Majesty's Commissioners of Custom and Excise
[2008] NIQB 131 McCloskey J
Ballinamallard Developments Ltd and Ormeau Gasworks Ltd (Ruling on costs)
[2008] NIQB 114 McCloskey J
Davidson's and Hill's Application's (Keith Davidson) (Michael Hill)
[2008] NIQB 113 McCloskey J
Kotrayenko's Application (Elena) No. 2
[2008] NIQB 119 McCloskey J
Kotrayenko's Application (Elena) No. 1
[2008] NIBQ 118 McCloskey J
Ajiboye's Application (Olanyinka Olayiwola Ajiboye)
[2008] NIQB 110 McCloskey J
Alexandra Esther Boyd and Department of Regional Development
[2008] NIQB 107 McCloskey J
Lagan Holdings Ltd, Lagan Cement Group Ltd, Lagan Developments (Holdings) Ltd and Kingscourt Bricks Ltd v Lagan Homes Ltd
[2008] NICh 23 McCloskey J
Loughlin Maginn and Henry Crossey
[2008] NICh 13 McCloskey J
Andrew Connor and Robert Jackson and Mark Wilson
[2008] NIQB 102 McCloskey J