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403 results
Payne's (Lucy) Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 77 Scoffield J
JR 139's (A minor) Application
[2021] NIQB 76 Humphreys J
SM Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review (As Father and Next Friend of RM) and in the matter of a decision a review Tribunal dated 16th February 2021
[2021] NIQB 75 Colton J
Andrea McIlroy - Rose and Andrea McIlroy - Rose as personal representative of the estate of John McIlroy (deceased) and Others
[2021] NICh 17 Humphreys J
Summary of Judgment - Court Refuses Leave to Issue Proceedings Against Prime Minister - In re JR83 (EU Withdrawal Agreement)
Summary of Judgment - Court Refuses Leave to Issue Proceedings Against Prime Minister - In re JR83 (EU Withdrawal Agreement)
Summary of judgment - Court Dismisses Appeal by Francis Lanigan
Summary of judgment - Court Dismisses Appeal by Francis Lanigan
JR131's Application
[2021] NIQB 74 Scoffield J
SB (A Mother) and A Health and Social Services Trust
[2021] NICA 50 Morgan LCJ
JR83 (No 2) and The Prime Minister
[2021] NICA 49 Morgan LCJ
Queen v Francis Lanigan
[2021] NICA 51 Morgan LCJ
F D Tughan & CWAY 1 Ltd v Charity Commission
8/19 et al Mr McMahon
In the matter if the estate of Mary Alice Smyth, deceased and in the matter of an application by James Terence Johnston as executor of the Will of Mary Alice Smyth
[2021] NICh 16 Humphreys J
PQ and RS Applications for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 73 Humphreys J
Summary of judgment - R v Ivor Bell
Summary of judgment - R v Ivor Bell
Roycroft Developments Ltd
R/8/2021 Mr Spence
Queen v Edward Stewart
[2021] NICA 53 Maguire LJ
Queen v Ivor Malachy Bell
[2021] NICA 52 Treacy LJ
Ms Donna Toner (Appellant) and Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 25/19 Mr Flanigan