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29 results
SK and DS and in the matter of Tom (a child) (application for international relocation)
[2021] NIFam 13 Humphreys J
Colm McAuley and Official Receiver and Colm McAuley and Northern Bank LTD
[2021] NICA 24 Morgan LCJ
Dorothy Moffat and Laurence Moffat (As personal representative of the estates of Johnston Moffat and Florence Moffat)
[2021] NICh 6 McFarland J
Jonah Horne and United States of America (No.3)
[2021] NIQB 67 McCloskey LJ
Emma Walsh and Office of the Industrial Tribunal and The Governing Body of Belfast Metropolitan College
[2021] NICA 26 McCloskey LJ
In the matter of a child Todd (No.2)
[2021] NIFam 14 Keegan J
In the matter of AB (A Child) (Secure Accommodation)
[2021] NIFam 28 Keegan J
William Young v Commissioner of Valuation
VT/1/2018 (Part 2) Mr Spence
Trevor McKee v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
9/15(2) Mr Colmer
Trevor McKee v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
9/15(2) Mr Colmer
Inquest into the death of Marie Elizabeth Hylands
[2021] NICoroner 7 Mrs Toal
Holland (Adrian's) Application for bail
[2021] NIQB 43 Humphreys J
In the matter of A (A Child) (Jurisdiction:Brussels IIa: Victim of Modern Slavery)
[2021] NIFam 33 Keegan J
Department for Infrastructure (Formerly Department for Regional Development) and Northstone (NI) Limited
[2021] NICA 23 McCloskey LJ
In the matter of the estate of Patricia Milliken and in the matter of article 29 of the Wills and administration proceedings (NI) Order 1994 and between Lisa Nelson as personal representative of Patricia Milliken (deceased) and Rosemary McDermott and Barry Nelson
[2021] NICh 5 McBride J
Department of Finance, Land and Property Services and Greg Foster
[2021] NICh 4 McBride J
R v Soldier A and Soldier C (Ruling on application for anonymity)
[2021] NICC 2 O'Hara J
Norma Mitchell and The Defence Council and Secretary of State for Defence
[2021] NIMaster 4 Master Bell