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29 results
QMAC Construction Limited and Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2021] NIQB 41 Humphreys J
A Heath and Social Care Trust and A Mother; A Father and (In the Matter of Two Children: Findings of Fact: Non-Accidental Injury)
[2021] NIFam 21 Mr Simpson KC sitting as HCJ
Summary of judgment - Court awards damages to estate of women shot during Bloody Sunday
Summary of judgment - Court awards damages to estate of women shot during Bloody Sunday
Anthone Deery as personal representative of the estate of Margaret Deery (Deceased) and Ministry of Defence
[2021] NIQB 131 McAlinden J
McGeown Logistics Limited's Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 40 Rooney J
JD Sports Fashion plc v Central Craigavon Ltd
BT/16/2019 (Part 2) Mr Spence
Ulster Bank Limited and National Westminster Bank plc
[2021] NIQB 38 McFarland J