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290 results
R v Dolan
[2020] NICC 7 Colton J
JR103's Application
[2020] NIQB 21 Mr Humphreys QC sitting as HCJ
Quinn's (Francis) Application
[2020] NIQB 20 Mr Humphreys QC sitting as HCJ
Green's (Patrick Jude) App Green's (Patrick Jude) Application
[2020] NIQB 22 Mr Humphreys QC sitting as HCJ
Lennon, Marina and The Department for Social Development
[2020] NICA 15 Stephens LJ
Summary of Judgment - Court delivers judgment on stop and search powers
Summary of Judgment - Court delivers judgment on stop and search powers
Ramsey's (Steven) Application (No.2)
[2020] NICA 14 Morgan LCJ
In the matter of an Inquest into the death of Jade Rogan
[2020] NICoroner 3 Mr McGurgan
McCord's (Raymond) Application and in the matter of a decision by the Legal Service Agency for Northern Ireland
[2020] NIQB 17 Keegan J
Queen v Stephen McKinney (Ruling - Admissibility of ABE Interviews)
[2020] NICC 18 McBride J
McCourt, Hazel Kim, Trustee for civil recovery on behalf of the national Crime Agency and [1] Aurang Zeb Khan [2] Shakar Begum
[2020] NICh 3 Mr Simpson KC sitting as HCJ
Wilson t/a Bathroom Paradise v Kilkeel Development Association
[2020] NIQB 37 Maguire J
O'Neill's (Luke) Application
[2020] NIQB 16 Colton J
Trevor McKee and Joseph Hughes and The Attorney General for Northern Ireland and The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and the Department for Communities - The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and Sean Caughey and The Attorney General for Northern Ireland - Robert Crawford and The Attorney General for Northern Ireland and The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and Trevor McKee
[2020] NICA 13 McCloskey LJ
James P Corey Transport and Owen Jacobson v Belfast Harbour Commissioners
BT/65 & 66/2019 Mr Spence
R v Stephen Coleman
[2020] NICC 5 His Honour Judge McFarland
R v Coleman
[2020] NICC 5 His Honour Judge McFarland
DM v NI Social Care Council
NISCC/5/2018 Mrs Drennan