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213 results
Laurence Moffat and Dorothy Moffat and Daire Moffat and Conall Eoin Toland and Meabh Emily Toland
[2020] NICh 17 McBride J
Taylor (Ryan's) Application for Judicial Review
[2020] NIQB 78 Mr Friedman KC sitting as HCJ
B's Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2020] NIQB 76 Treacy LJ
Stepaviciene (Hura) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision by a Coroner
[2020] NICA 61 Morgan LCJ
Steven Cameron v Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2020] NIQB 75 McFarland J
Duncan (Williams's) Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision of the Department for Communities
[2020] NIQB 74 Keegan J
Coulter's Hill Residents Ltd Application for Judicial Review and of a decision of the Planning Appeals Commission
[2020] NICA 59 Morgan LCJ
R v Chad Alfred Ferris
[2020] NICA 60 McCloskey LJ
Daniel McAteer and Aine McAteer and Joseph McElhinney, Patrick McDaid, and Walter Hegarty (practicing as Messrs McElhinney, McDaid and Hegarty Solicitors)
[2020] NIQB 72 McFarland J
Queen v Thomas Valliday
[2020] NICA 63 Scoffield J
CD and EF
[2020] NIFam 27 Keegan J
SM's Application as Father and next friend of RO for a Writ of Habeas Corpus
[2020] NIQB 73 Keegan J
Francesco Don Fitzpatrick and Lucia Maria Fitzpatrick and Ligoniel Development Limited
[2020] NICh 16 Humphreys J
SA and MA
[2020] NIFam 26 Keegan J
R v Kevin McLaughlin
[2020] NICA 58 Treacy LJ
R v DH
[2020] NICA 57 Morgan LCJ
JR129 (A minor) Application for Judicial Review
[2020] NIQB 71 Humphreys J
Marek Potocek and District Court of Trnava, Slovak Republic
[2020] NIQB 70 McFarland J