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279 results
Cyclone Promotions Limited and Blain McGuigan v Carl Frampton and RIP Rock Limited
[2019] NIQB 42 Colton J
McDonnell's (Anthony John) Application
[2019] NIQB 48 Morgan LCJ
R v Murphy (Sean)
[2019] NICA 24 Morgan LCJ
RT and ST
[2019] NIMaster 6 Master McCorry
Creagh Concrete Ltd's Application
[2019] NICA 22 Treacy LJ
Jennings (Colin Richard) and Skinner (Michael) of Lambert Smith Hampton v Quinn (Declan)
[2019] NICA 39 McAlinden J
Radko Belkovic v BHSCT
[2019] NIQB 72 Keegan J
Hawthorne (Marlene) v Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2019] NIQB 45 Maguire J
Neill (Helen) v Moore (Norman)
[2019] NIQB 46 Maguire J
AF's Application (by his father and next friend) v Board of Governors of a Grammar School
[2019] NIQB 41 McCloskey J
Young's (William) Application
[2019] NIQB 49 McCloskey J
Public Prosecution Service and Shane Devine
[2019] NICA 53 Horner J
GL and PH v A Care Trust In the Matter of PH (A Minor)
[2019] NIFam 10 McAlinden J
McNamara (James) v Public Prosecution Service
[2019] NICA 21 Treacy LJ
McNally's (Conor) Application
[2019 NICA 20 Morgan LCJ
A Health and Social Care Trust v Mr X and Mrs Y
[2019] NIFam 9 O'Hara J
Inquest into the death of Melanie Catherine Evans
[2019] NICoroner 3 Mr McGurgan
MM v BC, RS and Facebook Ireland
[2019] NIMaster 5 Master McCorry