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279 results
R v Wilson (Callin)
[2019] NICC 9 Her Honour Judge Smyth
John Gardner Braes Lamberton's Application
[2019] NIQB 33 Keegan J
Ferguson and Ferguson and Others v Gillespie T/A Prestige Homes and Alpha Insulation Limited
[2019] NIQB 30 Horner J
XX's Application for Habeas Corpus v Chief Constable of PSNI
[2019] NIQB 31 McCloskey J
SD's Application
[2019 NIQB 56 McCloskey J
McGowan's (Elizabeth) Application
[2019] NICA 12 McCloskey J
McQuillan's (Margaret) Application
[2019] NICA 13 Stephens LJ
Re S (Disclosure to Third Party)
[2019] NIFam 5 His Honour Judge Kinney
M and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust v F and Department of Justice
[2019] NICA 11 Treacy LJ
R v Loughlin (Michael) (DPP Reference No 5 2018)
[2019] NICA 10 Morgan LCJ
Knox's (Stuart) Application v Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
[2019] NIQB 34 McCloskey J
McQuade's (William David) Application
[2019] NIQB 32 McCloskey J
Mrs Cave v Mr Cave
[2019] NIFam 6 O'Hara J
R v McIlwaine (Shannon) and (McManus) Shannon
[2019] NICC 7 Colton J
In the Matter of A&B (Care Order: Freeing Order: Post Adoption Contact)
[2019] NIFam 8 O'Hara J
An inquest into the death of Clara Rose Hyndman-Stewart
[2019] NICoroner 2 Mr McGurgan
Cavanagh's (Mark) Application
[2019] NIQB 28 Keegan J
R v Caolan Laverty and Others
[2019] NICC 4 Colton J