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341 results
In the Matter of the Will Trusts of Sarah McCullagh (Deceased)
[2018] NICh 15 McBride J
K and L v A Health and Social Services Trust
[2018] NIFam 6 Her Honour Judge Smyth
R v Northern Ireland Water Limited
[2018] NICC 16 His Honour Judge Babington
CD v NI Social Care Council
NISCC/1/2018 Mr Quinn KC
Summary of judgment - Court decides it has jurisdiction to hear claims brought by Carl Frampton
Summary of judgment - Court decides it has jurisdiction to hear claims brought by Carl Frampton Horner J
Summary of judgment - Court of Appeal dismisses application to introduce fresh evidence in 1977 conviction
Summary of judgment - Court of Appeal dismisses application to introduce fresh evidence in 1977 conviction Morgan LCJ , Weatherup LJ , Weir LJ
R v Goodall (James Henry)
[2018] NICA 24 Morgan LCJ
Karrabecaj v Kilmona
BT/38/2012 (Part 2) Mr Spence
ZS v A Health and Social Services Trust
[2018] NIFam 9 Keegan J
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust v FP and In the Matter of AP (A Child)
[2018] NIFam 5 Weir LJ
A Health and Social Services Trust v Mr x and Mrs X
[2018] NIFam 4 Her Honour Judge Smyth
Her Majesty's Attorney General for Northern Ireland v Sherrie (Michael)
[2018] NIQB 48 Colton J
McCalls of Lisburn v Commissioner of Valuation
VR/12/2016 (Part 2) Mr Spence
JM3's (A Minor) Application by his mother and next friend SM
[2018] NIQB 54 McCloskey J
Jordan's (Teresa) Application
[2018] NICA 23 Deeny LJ
A Health and Social Services Trust v Ms X
[2018] NIFam 3 Her Honour Judge Smyth
Summary of judgment - Court finds no culpable delay by Coroners
Summary of judgment - Court finds no culpable delay by Coroners Deeny LJ
LCJ Direction 3-18 - Magistrates' Courts Sittings
LCJ Direction 3-18 - Magistrates' Courts Sittings Morgan LCJ