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341 results
Summary of judgment - In the matter of an application by Laura Smyth for Judicial Review
Summary of judgment - In the matter of an application by Laura Smyth for Judicial Review Morgan LCJ
Smyth's (Laura) Application
[2018] NICA 25 Morgan LCJ
Jenning and Skinner of Lambert Smith Hampton as receivers in respect of premises situate and known as 60 Rockdale Road, Cookstown, being all the land and premise comprised in Folio 13054 County Tyrone, 13056 County Tyrone and TY7443 County Tyrone v Quinn (Declan)
[2018] NICh 17 McBride J
R v McEntee (Thomas Scott)
[2018] NICC 12 Colton J
In the Matter of Francis Doherty and The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and In the Matter of an Application by the Director of Public Prosecutions for NI for an order of committal against Michael Francis Doherty
[2018] NIQB 56 Deeny LJ
R v Blair (Patrick Joseph) & Others
[2018] NICC 11 Colton J
Blackwood's (Dean) Application
[2018] NIQB 73 McCloskey J
Swift 1st Ltd v John Charles Quinn and Ita Quinn
[2018] NICh 23 McBride J
Re M and R
[2018] NIFam 14 O'Hara J
Ulster Bank Limited v Taggart (Michael Adrian) and Taggart (John Desmond)
[2018] NIMaster 7 Master Kelly
Alexander's (Christine) Application v Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
[2018] NIQB 55 McCloskey J
McCord's (Raymond) Application
[2018] NIQB 96 McCloskey J
R v McLaughlin (Damien)
[2018] NICC 10 Colton J
Vasile-Florin Carpaci v Romania
[2018] NIQB 105 Burgess J
LCJ Direction 04/18 - Magistrates' Court Sittings - Petty Sessions at Londonderry
LCJ Direction 04/18 Morgan LCJ
P v P
[2018] NIMaster 6 Master Bell
Denmin Limited's Application v Clerk of Petty Sessions, District of Lisburn
[2018] NIQB 53 McCloskey J
Boyd (Arthur) and Hansen (Jason) (as joint supervisors of the Presbyterian Mutual Society Limited) v Hegarty (John)
[2018] NICh 16 McBride J