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279 results
Queen v RM Ruling [No. 3] - Editing
[2009] NICC 32 McCloskey J
Gracey (Robert) and Royal Sun Alliance
[2009] NIMaster 70 Ms McCrory
Sarah Kelly and Martin Mackle
[2009] NIQB 39 Stephens J
Christopher Gilheaney and Adrian McGovern and Edward McGovern
[2009] NIQB 38 Stephens J
Queen v RM Ruling - Third Party Disclosure
[2009] NICC 36 McCloskey J
Director of Assets Recovery Agency and William Lovell
[2009] NICA 27 Kerr LCJ
Manning, Martin and Patricia Manning
[2009] NIMaster 69 Master Bell
Lisa McQuillan v Department for Regional Development
[2009] NIQB 36 McCloskey J
C and C
[2009] NIMaster 68 Master Bell
RH and others v IH
[2009] NIFam 17 Stephens J
In the Matter of EFB (Freeing without consent)
[2009] NIFam 7 Stephens J
LA v UJ and RF
[2009] NIFam 8 Stephens J
C's Application
[2009] NICA 23 Kerr LCJ
Donaldson's Application (Christopher)
[2009] NICA 25 Higgins LJ
Nelson (Stephen William) and Newry and Mourne District Council
[2009] NICA 24 Girvan LJ
Y's Application (The mother of X)
[2009] NICA 22 Girvan LJ
Razak's Application (Omar Abdul)
[2009] NIQB 41 Weatherup J
In the matter of an application under section 36 of The Inquiries Act 2005 and In the matter of Ian Paisley Junior
[2009] NIQB 40 Gillen J