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279 results
Queen v John Crolly
[2009] NICC 38 Morgan J
Hollywood's Application (Keith)
[2009] NIQB 48 Weatherup J
Coll (Edward) Walmsley (Mary) and Walmsley (Desmond Junior)’s Applications
[2009] NIQB 47 Morgan J
N and N
[2009] NIMaster 71 Master Bell
Christopher Gilheaney and Adrian McGovern and Edward McGovern No. 2
[2009] NIQB 46 Stephens J
Queen v James Oliver Meehan , Brenda Dolores Meehan & Sean Anthony Devenney
[2009] NICC 45 McCloskey J
Brian McTeggart and Waterways Ireland and Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure
[2009] NIQB 44 Treacy J
Queen v C
[2009] NICC 37 Hart J
Suresh Deman and Association of University Teachers and Officers at Queen's University (AUT)
[2009] NICA 29 Higgins LJ
Burnett’s Application (Beatrice Alstrid)
[2009] NIQB 52 Treacy J
R v Terence Philip Whiting
[2009] NICC 34 McCloskey J
Queen v Fitzpatrick (Joseph) and Shiels (Terence)
[2009] NICA 60 Kerr LCJ
Queen v Jeff Colin Lewis, Mervyn Wilson Moon, Christopher Francis Kerr, Aaron Cavana Wallace, Christopher Andrew McLeister, Peter Gavin McMullan and Paul Edward Henson
[2009] NICC 33 Treacy J
Solinas' Application (Gerald Dorino)
[2009] NIQB 43 Morgan J
Downes' Application (Brenda)
[2009] NICA 26 Kerr LCJ
McCallion's Application (Anne-Marie) (No. 4)
[2009] NIQB 45 Weatherup J
Queen v RM
[2009] NICC 31 McCloskey J
Queen v Anthony Michael Fox, Kathleen Bridget Fox, Richard Thomas Fox, Thomas Fox, Patrick Francis Markey, Leonard Henry Warwick Ruling No. 1 Misjoinder
[2009] NICC 28 Hart J