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312 results
Aveen McDaid and Roberta Snodgrass
[2008] NIQB 95 Morgan J
Susan Evelyn Stevenson v Adrian Stevenson and Lisa Stevenson and Olivia Moore and Robyn Brackenridge
[2008] NIFam 8 Morgan J
Katherine McKeaveney and Argos Limtied
[2008] NIQB 82 Stephens J
In the matter of an application by David Brown for judicial review
[2008] NIQB 83 Stephens J
Williamson's Application (Michelle) No. 3
[2008] NIQB 81 Gillen J
M and M
[2008] NIMaster 61 Master Redpath
Andrew Alexander Faulkner, Peter Rogan and Robert David Johnston
[2008] NICA 39 Kerr LCJ
Queen v Samuel Shannon
[2008] NICA 38 Campbell LJ
R v Samuel Shannon
[2008] NICA 38 Campbell LJ
In the matter of J (Care Order)
[2008] NIFam 11 Gillen J
O'Neill's application (Joanne)
[2008] NIQB 80 Weatherup J
Omikunle's (Jamiu Olanrewaju) Application
[2008] NIQB 79 Weatherup J
Daniel McAteer and John Joseph Mullan and Maria Mullan
[2008] NICh 12 Campbell LJ
R v Damien Gibbons, Declan Stilges and David Martin Crone. AG's Ref (No 1 of 2008)
[2008] NICA 41 Kerr LCJ
Attorney General's Reference (Number 1 of 2008) Damien Gibbons, Stephen Gibbons, Declan Stilges and David Martin Crone
[2008] NICA 41 Kerr LCJ
Boyle's (John) Application
[2008] NICA 35 Kerr LCJ
Public Prosecution Service and Mervyn Monteith
[2008] NICA 36 Kerr LCJ
R v Christopher McMillan
[2008] NILST 8 Kerr LCJ