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40 results
Jayne McCleave and Cloughfern Arms
[2008] NIQB 149 Gillen J
Sean Fryers and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
[2008] NIQB 136 Gillen J
Max Murray and Independent News and Media (NI)
[2008] NIQB 137 Gillen J
In the matter of an Application Under Section 36 of The Inquiries Act 2005 and In the matter of Ian Paisley
[2008] NIQB 158 Gillen J
Queen v AB
[2008] NICA 37 Gillen J
Sean Fryers and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
[2008] NIQB 123 Gillen J
Forson's Application (Godwin Emiko)
[2008] NIQB 128 Gillen J
Darren Fallis and Derek Elliott
[2008] NIQB 121 Gillen J
Redevco UK One Limited and W H Smith PLC
[2008] NIQB 116 Gillen J
Philomena Walker and Honour Stewart
[2008] NIQB 109 Gillen J
Mbebe's application (Nonzukiso)
[2008] NIQB 108 Gillen J
Paula Suzanne Tully and Causeway Health and Social Services Trust
[2008] NIQB 99 Gillen J
Williamson's Application (Michelle) No. 3
[2008] NIQB 81 Gillen J
In the matter of J (Care Order)
[2008] NIFam 11 Gillen J
Lundy's application (James Lundy)
[2008 NIQB 72 Gillen J
Queen v Terence Malachy Davison, James McCormick and Joseph Gerard Fitzpatrick
[2008] NICC 28 Gillen J
Queen v Terence Malachy Davison, James McCormick, Joseph Gerard Fitzpatrick
[2008] NICC 25 Gillen J
In the matter of an application by X the mother of Y for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2008] NIQB 61 Gillen J