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274 results
Queen v Wang Huan
[2007] NICA 36 Kerr LCJ
In the Matter of an Application for an Order for Adoption by DMcC and in the Matter of FI a Child
[2007] NIFam 9 Morgan J
Fennell v Leitch and Others
[2007] NIQB 72
TL v A Trust and A K and FMcC
[2007] NIFam 8 Morgan J
Johnston v Ulster Constabulary and Police Authority for Northern Ireland and Others
[2007] NIQB 70 Stephens J
Queen v Stephen Anthony Courtney and Jean Berry
[2007] NICC 30 Hart J
Queen v John Thomas Michael McDonagh and Patrick Michael Ward
[2007] NICC 31 Coghlin J
LM's Application
[2007] NIQB 68 Gillen J
Henry v Henry
[2007] NIQB 67 Deeny J
Tweed's Application (David) (No.4) Application by David Tweed for Judicial Review
[2007] NIQB 69 Weatherup J
Christian Institute and Others Application
[2007] NIQB 66 Weatherup J
Ajayi's Applicatioin
[2007] NIQB 87 Weatherup J
Francis Joseph McCusker v Declan Martin McCusker as personal representative of Elizabeth McCusker (deceased)
[2007] NIQB 65 Stephens J
Application by (1) Seaport Investments Limted (2) An Application by Magherafelt District Counicl, FP McCann (Developments) Limited, Younger Homes Limited, Herron Bros Limited, G Small Contracts and Creagh Concrete Products Limited
[2007] NIQB 62 Weatherup J
In the Matter of the Children (NI) Order 1995 and in the matter of LM (a child)
[2007] NIFam 7 Stephens J
Queen v C
[2007] NICC 52 Coghlin J
CD's Application
[2007] NICA 33 Kerr LCJ
Police Service of Northern Ireland v Mark McClure
[2007] NICA 31 Kerr LCJ