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274 results
R v Liam John McBride
[2007] NILST 4 Kerr LCJ
R v Dean Michael Woods
[2007] NILST 3 Kerr LCJ
R v John Hugh Brady
[2007] NILST 1 Kerr LCJ
Queen v JR
[2007] NICA 5 Kerr LCJ
R v JR
[2007] NICA 5 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of J (Threshold Criteria: Non-Accidental Injury)
[2007] NIFam 1 Gillen J
McDonagh & Others v Thom (T-A The Royal Hotel Cookstown)
[2007] NICA 3 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of an application by PM, a minor by TM, his Mother and next Friend for Judicial Review
[2007] NIQB 2 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of an application by HM, a minor, by PM, her Father and Next Friend for Judicial Review
[2007] NICA 2 Kerr LCJ
Application by Colm Murphy & Seamus Daly for Judicial Review
[2007] NIQB 15 Weatherup J
In the matter of an application by Brenda Downes for Judicial Review
[2007] NIQB 1 Girvan J
In the matter of an application by John Hill for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2007] NICA 1 Kerr LCJ