Sentencing guidelines
7419 results
The Department of Finance and Mary Quinn
[2019] NICA 41 Stephens LJ
Rainey's (Brandon) Application
[2019] NICA 76 Treacy LJ
Queen v KT - DPP Ref (Number 2 of 2019)
[2019] NICA 42 Stephens LJ
Whether failure to activate two previous suspended sentences and to impose a third suspended sentence unduly lenient – sexual offences - 85 year old man - numerous sexual offences involving children – sentence quashed and the two previous suspended sentences activated and pass a sentence so as to achieve an effective total determinate custodial sentence of 3 years
[2019] NICA 42 Keegan J , Stephens LJ , Treacy LJ
In the matter of an inquest into the death of William Barkley McKinney
[2019] NICoroner 10 Mr McGurgan
Summary of Inquest Findings - Seamus Bradley
Summary of Inquest Findings - Seamus Bradley
Inquest into the death of James Oliver Bradley
[2019] NICoroner 15 His Honour Judge Kinney
Robert A Arlow (Appellant) v Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 7/17 Mr Leonard
Ni Murchu's (Ailise) Application and PSNI and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
[2019] NIQB 75 Colton J
In the matter of EC an applicant for bail
[2019] NIQB 77 Stephens LJ
McGuinness's (Deborah) Application (No 3) v The Sentence Review Commissioners
[2019] NIQB 76 McCloskey J
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses appeal by British Telecomunications in disability discrimination case
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses appeal by British Telecomunications in disability discrimination case
British Telecommunications PLC and Kevin Owen Meier
[2019] NICA 43 Sir Girvan
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust v M
[2019] NIFam19 McAlinden J
Re C (A Child)
[2019] NIFam 12 O'Hara J
McKay v Commissioner of Valuation
VT/1/2019 Mr Spence
Shoe Zone Retail Ltd v Glenbeigh Ltd
BT/10/2019 Mr Spence
LCJ Direction 1/19 - Crown and County Court Calendar 2019-20
LCJ Direction 1/19 - Crown and County Court Calendar 2019-20