Sentencing guidelines
7415 results
HM and VM
[2020] NIFam 30 Keegan J
R v GM
[2020] NICA 49 McCloskey LJ
R v Casey Morgan
[2020] NICA 48 McCloskey LJ
R v Lee Smyth and Caolan Laverty
[2020] NICA 47 Morgan LCJ
Summary of Judgment - R v Lee Smyth and Caolan Laverty
Summary of Judgment - R v Lee Smyth and Caolan Laverty
Ms Ann O'Prey (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 8/19 Mr Flanigan
Summary of Judgment - Barr v Public Prosecution Service
Summary of Judgment - Barr v Public Prosecution Service
Paul James Gilroy and Frylite Limited
[2020 NICA 45 McCloskey LJ
Joseph Patrick Barr and The Public Prosecution Service
[2020] NICA 46 Treacy LJ
Katie Jacklyn Weir and Charles Hugh McCartney
[2020] NIQB 60 McFarland J
MR S and A Health and Social Care Trust and Ms T and In the matter of Josef (A minor: Breach of human rights: Declaration: Damages: Costs)
[2020] NIFam 20 Keegan J
B and K and L and The Official Solicitor and Attorney General for Northern Ireland and Registrar General for Northern Ireland The Secretary of State for Health
[2020] NIFam 19 O'Hara J
Summary of Judgment - O Murchu and Shannon
Summary of Judgment - O Murchu and Shannon
O'Murchu (Risteard) and Shannon's (Arlene) Application
[2020] NIQB 59 Morgan LCJ
Sterret's (Elizabeth) Application
[2020] NIQB 58 Mr Larkin KC sitting as HCJ
Aiken (Kyle) Application for Judicial Review and Northern Ireland's Prison Service
[2020] NICA 44 Treacy LJ
Summary of Judgment - R v David Smith and Michael Smith
Summary of Judgment - R v David Smith and Michael Smith
Trevor McKee v Charity Commission (directions)
9/15 (2) Mr Colmer