Sentencing guidelines
7481 results
R v John Gary Breslin and Arthur Forbes
Possession of explosives and firearm with intent - appellants convicted of possession of a drogue bomb and automatic rifle with intent to endanger life - sentenced to 18 years imprisonment - whether sentence excessive - whether trial judge took irrelevant matters into consideration.
[1990] NI 23 Hutton LCJ
Richardson v Toal
G/15 His Honour Judge Rowland , Mr Jacobson
R v William Desmond Gallagher
Rape of woman in own home - aggravating factors - whether sentence of 12 years excessive.
William Desmond Gallagher 060490 Hutton LCJ
Carlin v Scotch-Irish Trust
BT/117/1989 Mr Jacobson
R v Adrian Martin McGrath
Suspended sentence - offence committed towards end of operational period of two suspended sentences to which appellant subject to - whether account should be taken of proximity to end of suspended sentence.
R v McGrath 120190 Hutton LCJ
Attorney General's Reference (No.1 of 1989)
Sentencing - Rape- 5 years' imprisonment - victim aged 6 and half years - Whether sentence unduly lenient - Criminal Justice Act 1988 (c33), s36.
[1989] N1245 Hutton LCJ
R v Frederick George Charters
Sentencing - Incest - Aggravating factors - 9 years' imprisonment - whether sentence excessive - Punishment of Incest Act 1908 (c45).
[1989] N1262 Hutton LCJ
R v Peter England
Release on licence - subsequent offence - licence revoked and prisoner ordered to be returned to prison - poor record of appellant and tragic background and history.
R v England 081289 Hutton LCJ
Clancy v Wine Inns Ltd
BT/79/1989 Mr Jacobson
Harte v Hughes
BT/71/1989 Mr Jacobson
R v Liam O'Reilly and Sean Joseph Montgomery
Possession of explosive substance - 10 years imprisonment - whether excessive - weight to be given to plea that accused acted under pressure - court misinformed as to maximum sentence for an offence.
[1989] 10 NIJB 20 Hutton LCJ
McGovern v Cathcart
BT/63/1989 Mr Jacobson
R v Philip Blaney, Brian Gerard Duffy, Robert Anthony Finlay, Francis Paul Green, Kevin Michael McShane, Mark Emmanuel McVicker, Sean Liam O'Neill, Patrick Pearse Voyle and Anthony McVarnock
Making of petrol bombs, hi-jacking and arson of vehicles - sentences of detention and imprisonment - appellant's previous clear records - whether sentences excessive.
[1989] NI 286 Hutton LCJ
R v Stephen Matthew Shaw and Thomas Samuel Houston
Petrol bomb - thrown into occupied house at night - guidelines on sentencing.
[1989] 8 NIJB 60 Hutton LCJ
R v Hugh David Cecil McCollum Payne, James McCullough and Thomas Aiken
Duress - accused a member of a sinister group with criminal objectives and coercive methods - whether Crown must prove accused an active member of group - possession of firearms with intent - sentences of 19 and 14 years - whether excessive.
[1989] 9 NIJB 28 Hutton LCJ
R v Peter Cunningham and Patrick Sean Devenney
Conspiracy to murder - possession of firearms with intent - 20 and 18 years imprisonment - whether excessive - whether trial judge gave sufficient weight to accused's submissions - whether penalised for "not guilty" plea - observations on approach to sentencing for terrorist crimes.
[1989] NI 350 Lowry LCJ
R v John Ferguson
Release on licence - subsequent offence - licence revoked and prisoner ordered to be returned to prison - appeal - principles to be applied.
R v Ferguson 130589 Lowry LCJ
R v Samuel Joseph Ferguson
Armed robbery with violence - use of firearm or imitation firearm - elderly couple in own home - guideline sentences.
Ferguson 210489 O'Donnell LJ