Sentencing guidelines
7479 results
Re G and A (Abduction: Consent)
[2003] NIFam 16 Gillen J
Practice Direction 09/2003 - (1) Mortage Actions (2) Application by mortgagee for leave to enforce suspended possession order
Practice Direction 09/2003 - (1) Mortage Actions (2) Application by mortgagee for leave to enforce suspended possession order Girvan J
Practice Direction 06/2003 - Actions begun by originating summons
Practice Direction 06/2003 - Actions begun by originating summons Girvan J
Practice Direction 05/2003 - (1)Application for judgment in default of defence (2)Application of summary judgment (3)Orders (4)Amendment of Orders (5)Written judgments (6)Settlement or compromise of litigation (7)Enforcing terms of settlement (8)Venue of hearings before Master(Chancery) (9)Telephone Numbers
Practice Direction 5 of 2003 Girvan J
Practice Direction 04/2003 - Points in Practice
Practice Direction 04/2003 - Points in Practice Girvan J
Practice Direction 03/2003 - Hearing of Originating Summons, Summons or Notice of Motion by Judge
Practice Direction 03/2003 - Hearing of Originating Summons, Summons or Notice of Motion by Judge Girvan J
In the matter of an Application by James E McCabe Limited for Judicial Review
[2003] NIQb 77 Weatherup J
Larmour (William David) v Ministry of Defence
[2003] NIQB 75 Weir J
In the matter of an Application by David Nagra for Judicial Review
[2003] NIQb 76 Weatherup J
R v Craig and Speers
[2003] NICC 19 Girvan J
Paul Robert Clyde v R N Hutchinson
[2003] NIQB 74 Campbell LJ
In the Matter of an Application by Ronald Bowden & Ors for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2003] NIQB 78 Weatherup J
In the matter of an Application by Shay Donnelly for Judicial Review
[2003] NICA 55 Carswell LCJ
In the matter of an Application by Hugh Jordan for Judicial Review
[2003] NICA 54 Nicholson LJ
In the matter of an Application by Her Majesty's Attorney General for Northern Ireland
[2003] NIQB 73 Kerr J
[2003] NIFam 15 Gillen J
R v Andre Shoukri
Firearms (NI) Order 1981 - possession of firearms and ammunition in suspicious circumstances - burden of proving lawful object - sentence.
[2003] NICA 53 Kerr J
R v Robert Black
Appeal against sentence of six years imprisonment - attempted burglary - habitual criminality - credit for guilty plea - whether sentence manifestly excessive - appeal allowed - sentence reduced.
[2003] NICA 51 Carswell LCJ