Sentencing guidelines
7415 results
R v Mark John Rush
Deceased crossing road and deliberately striking offender - offender then striking deceased - several blows 'of moderate severity' - public location not of offender's choosing - offender a long term alcoholic with impaired ability to defend himself - facts distinguished from Quinn.
[2008] NICA 43 Coghlin LJ
Mbebe's application (Nonzukiso)
[2008] NIQB 108 Gillen J
Queen v Michael Cromie
[2008 NICA 47 Girvan LJ
Queen v Mark John Rush
[2008] NICA 43 Coghlin LJ
Queen v Thomas Sloan
[2008] NICA 46 Coghlin LJ
Andrew Connor and Robert Jackson and Mark Wilson
[2008] NIQB 102 McCloskey J
Her Majesty's Custom and Excise and Derek B Isherwood
[2008] NIQB 104 Girvan LJ
Sean Jude McKinney(Minor) by his mother and next friend, Elizabeth McKinney and Reverend Father Hugh Kennedy Representing the Trustees of Sacred Heart Primary School
[2008] NIQB 101 McCloskey J
R v James Junior McKinstry Craig
Murder - 13 year old female victim - extensive injuries - concealed body - body found 5 years later - no acknowledgment of guilt - no account of what he did - higher starting point - tariff fixed at 21 years.
[2008] NILST 13 Kerr LCJ
Gerard Dobbin and City Bus LTD
[2008] NICA 42 Higgins LJ
Fearnon (Mary), Margaret Patterson and Judith Toland v Smurfit Corrugated Cases Lurgan LTD Respondents
[2008] NICA 45 Kerr LCJ
Queen v AH
[2008] NICA 44 Kerr LCJ
Oleg Fedorovski and The Secretary of State for Northern Irelnad
[2008] NICA 54 Kerr LCJ
Chief Constable's Application (Patrick Pearse Jordan)
[2008] NIQB 100 Morgan J
Paula Suzanne Tully and Causeway Health and Social Services Trust
[2008] NIQB 99 Gillen J
Attorney General's Reference (Number 2 of 2008) Christopher McGinn
[2008] NICA 40 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of an Application by RU for Judicial Review
[2008] NIQB 93 Stephens J
Mark Christopher Breslin and Others and Seamus McKenna and Others - Ruling No 11
[2008] NIQB 98 Morgan J