Sentencing guidelines
7419 results
R v CK a minor
Appeal against sentences - minors - indecent assaults, acts of gross indecency and rape - custodial sentence - other methods of disposal especially a custody probation order - ECHR Art. 8 - sexual offences prevention order expiry date - periods of detention and one year's supervision - third and fourth conditions of the sexual offences prevention order to be deleted - second condition amended in the terms set out in this judgment - sexual offences prevention order to remain in force for the period of five years from today's date - to that extent appeal allowed.
[2009] NICA 17 Kerr LCJ
MA v NI Social Care Council
NISCC/1/2008 Mr Black
Alexander (Silvana), Bull (Clive), Farrelly (Eamonn) and Fox (Damien) Application's
[2009] NIQB 20 Kerr LCJ
B and B
[2009] NIMaster 66 Master Bell
Christine Meyler as Executor of the estate of Joseph Patrick Ferris (deceased) and Joseph Ferris
[2009] NICA 16 Kerr LCJ
Queen v D P
[2009] NICC 20 McCloskey J
Queen v Sandhu (Ruling)
[2009] NICC 39 Hart J
M and M
[2009] NIMaster 65 Master Bell
Hart's Application (Darren)
[2009] NICA 15 Kerr LCJ
Pre Action Protocol for Clinical Negligence Litigation.
Pre Action Protocol for Clinical Negligence Litigation. Gillen J
Mark Christopher Breslin and Others and Seamus McKenna and Others Ruling No.15
[2009] NIQB 19 Morgan J
JR17's Application No. 1 (Education) Appeal
[2009] NICA 14 Kerr LCJ
Tweed's Application (David) (No. 5)
[2009] NICA 13 Girvan LJ
Queen v Sarah Louise King
[2009] NICC 17 Hart J
Philip Norman McCall and Bernard Joseph Anthony Keenan (as Personal Representatives of Eileen McClean, deceased) and Her Majesty's Commissioners of Revenue and Customs
[2009] NICA 12 Girvan LJ
McAlinden's Application (Sean) and Hennity's (Hugh) Application
[2009] NIQB 18 Weatherup J
Federal Security Services Ltd v Chief Constable for the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Resource Group Limited
[2009] NICh 3 Deeny J
Director of Public Prosecutions and Robert Harpur
[2009] NICa 11 Higgins LJ