Sentencing guidelines
7423 results
Flaneurs’ (Siegnerella Elaine and Siegnette Elaine) Application
[2010] NIQB 101 Treacy J
Queen v Shaw (Pauline) and Shaw (Colin Francis)
[2010] NICC 34 McCloskey J
King (Drew Robert) v Sunday Newspapers Ltd
[2010] NIQB 107 Weatherup J
Quinn’s (John) Application (Leave Stage)
[2010] NIQB 100 Treacy J
R A’s Application
[2010] NIQB 99 Girvan J
Bassey’s (Emen) Application
[2010] NIQB 96 Morgan LCJ
JR42's Application
[2010] NIQB 95 Treacy J
Queen v SG
[2010] NICA 32 Morgan LCJ
R v SG
Unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under 14 contrary to Section 4 the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 - indecent assault on a female child - gross indecency with a child - consensual - appellant 19 years, victim 13 years at the time - assistance to be derived from final report of the Sentencing Guidelines Council (E&W) on Sexual Offences Act 2003.
[2010] NICA 32 Morgan LCJ
Clear Homes (an unlimited company) v Sarcon (No 177) Ltd
[2010] NICh 16 Deeny J
Hollway (Jane and Hollway (Paul) v Sarcon (No 177) Ltd
[2010] NICh 15 Deeny J
MH v Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety
2009/5PC & 2009/5PVA Mr Irvine
Queen v McGeough (Terence George)
[2010] NICC 33 Coghlin LJ
Queen v Jones (Gary)
[2010] NICC 39 McCloskey J
Davidson’s (James) Application
[2010] NIQB 93 Treacy J
Martin (Claire) v Southern Health and Social Care Trust
[2010] NICA 31 Coghlin LJ
Chakwana’s (Tonderai) Application
[2010] NIQB 72 Treacy J
Cusp Ltd v Toni and Guy (Ireland) Ltd
[2010] NIQB 90 Coghlin J