R v Donal Gregory Carroll and Ailish Carroll
Possession of firearms with intent to endanger life - whether 22 years excessive - deterrent sentences for terrorists.
[1992] 11 NIJB 93 MacDermott LJSearch decision and choose filters to show only the results you want
Possession of firearms with intent to endanger life - whether 22 years excessive - deterrent sentences for terrorists.
[1992] 11 NIJB 93 MacDermott LJ
Grievous bodily harm with intent - throwing of petrol bombs and arson - aiding offence - sentenced to probation with conditions - length of detention for young offender - whether unduly lenient.
[1992] NI 187 Hutton LCJ
Taking motor vehicle without owner's consent; criminal damage; reckless driving; driving whilst uninsured and disqualified - "joyrider" - concurrent and consecutive sentences and operation of previously imposed suspended sentence.
McMullan 090992 Hutton LCJ
Possession of firearm with intent - sentence of 12 years' imprisonment imposed - offence committed while on licence from prison - order to return to prison to complete sentence - whether imposition of consecutive sentence excessive.
[1992] NI 333 Hutton LCJ
Attempted murder - booby-trap bomb - appellant's good record and background - whether 22 years imprisonment manifestly excessive.
[1991] 4 NIJB 70 Hutton LCJ
Making property available for terrorism - house made available for use as hide for explosives - knowledge of use made of house - whether 5 years imprisonment manifestly excessive.
R v Devlin 141290 Murray LJ
Possession of explosives and firearm with intent - appellants convicted of possession of a drogue bomb and automatic rifle with intent to endanger life - sentenced to 18 years imprisonment - whether sentence excessive - whether trial judge took irrelevant matters into consideration.
[1990] NI 23 Hutton LCJ
Possession of explosive substance - 10 years imprisonment - whether excessive - weight to be given to plea that accused acted under pressure - court misinformed as to maximum sentence for an offence.
[1989] 10 NIJB 20 Hutton LCJ
Making of petrol bombs, hi-jacking and arson of vehicles - sentences of detention and imprisonment - appellant's previous clear records - whether sentences excessive.
[1989] NI 286 Hutton LCJ
Petrol bomb - thrown into occupied house at night - guidelines on sentencing.
[1989] 8 NIJB 60 Hutton LCJ
Duress - accused a member of a sinister group with criminal objectives and coercive methods - whether Crown must prove accused an active member of group - possession of firearms with intent - sentences of 19 and 14 years - whether excessive.
[1989] 9 NIJB 28 Hutton LCJ
Conspiracy to murder - possession of firearms with intent - 20 and 18 years imprisonment - whether excessive - whether trial judge gave sufficient weight to accused's submissions - whether penalised for "not guilty" plea - observations on approach to sentencing for terrorist crimes.
[1989] NI 350 Lowry LCJ
Explosive substances - possession with intent - accused an active participant in transport of explosives - whether mere possession amounted to possession with intent.
[1989] NI 120 Hutton LCJ
Conspiracy - attempted murder - appellant found guilty of both offences - longer sentence imposed in respect of conspiracy - observations on sentencing - membership of proscribed organised - maximum sentence imposed - whether appropriate.
[1987] 2 NIJB 72 Lowry LCJ