R v Thomas McCaughey and Martin Smyth
Burglary – attempted burglary – obstruction – limited relevance/applicability of Guidelines from Sentencing Guidelines Council in E&W – including cases of sexual offending.
[2014] NICA 61 Morgan LCJSearch decision and choose filters to show only the results you want
Burglary – attempted burglary – obstruction – limited relevance/applicability of Guidelines from Sentencing Guidelines Council in E&W – including cases of sexual offending.
[2014] NICA 61 Morgan LCJ
Armed robbery of post office - 4 year's imprisonment deemed manifestly inadequate and increased to 8 years' imprisonment - factors pertinent to an increase in sentence - was the sentence determined on a wrong principle or manifestly inadequate having regard to all circumstances and factors - section 15 Criminal Appeal Act (NI) 1968/section 4 Criminal Appeal Act (NI) 1980
[NB: This case, which is of significance to the Court of Appeal, is not reproduced here.]