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272 results
Summary of Judgment - O Murchu and Shannon
Summary of Judgment - O Murchu and Shannon
Summary of Judgment - R v David Smith and Michael Smith
Summary of Judgment - R v David Smith and Michael Smith
Summary of judgment - Court rules in victims' payments challenge
Summary of judgment - Court rules in victims' payments challenge
Summary of judgment - Court finds that provisions for the disabled in The Pensions Act (NI) 2015 are inadequate
Summary of judgment - Court finds that provisions for the disabled in The Pensions Act (NI) 2015 are inadequate
Court Sentences for COVID-19 Spitting Offences
Summary of Judgment - Court Sentences for COVID-19 Spitting Offence
Summary of judgment - Court delivers reasons for quashing Loughinisland search warrants
Summary of judgment - Court delivers reasons for quashing Loughinisland search warrants
Summary of Judgment - R v Francis Lanigan (sentencing for murder of John Stephen Knocker)
Summary of Judgment - R v Francis Lanigan (sentencing for murder of John Stephen Knocker) Horner J
Summary of Judgment - R v Michael O’Connor (Murder of Joeleen Corr)
Summary of Judgment - R v Michael O’Connor (Murder of Joeleen Corr) His Honour Judge Miller KC
Summary of Judgment - Court Delivers Loughinisland Judgment
Summary of Judgment - Court Delivers Loughinisland Judgment Morgan LCJ
Summary of judgment - R v John Patterson Hill
Summary of judgment - R v John Patterson Hill
Summary of judgment - Court finds Francis Lanigan guilty of murder committed in 1998
Summary of judgment - Court finds Francis Lanigan guilty of murder committed in 1998
Summary of judgment - R v Campbell Allen
Summary of judgment - R v Campbell Allen
Summary of judgment - In re Rosaleen Dalton
Summary of judgment - In re Rosaleen Dalton
Summary of judgment - In re Raymond McCord (Border Poll)
Summary of judgment - In re Raymond McCord (Border Poll)
Summary of judgment - R v Gary Haggarty
Summary of judgment - R v Gary Haggarty
In re a Petition by Petitioner (Same Sex Marriage)
Summary of judgment - In re a Petition by Petitioner (Same Sex Marriage) Morgan LCJ
Summary of judgment - Court delivers same sex marriage judgment
Summary of judgment - Court delivers same sex marriage judgment
Summary of judgment - Court finds Christopher Robinson guilty of the murder of Adrian Ismay
Summary of judgment - Court finds Christopher Robinson guilty of the murder of Adrian Ismay