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137 results
Practice Direction 02/2006 - Bills of Costs
Practice Direction 02/2006 - Bills of Costs
Practice Direction No 3 of 2006 - Londonderry Recorder's Court Practice Directions County Court Listing Form - Replaces Practice Direction 2 of 2005
Practice Direction 3 of 2006
Practice Direction 06/2005 - Cases under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995: The use of telephone conferencing in directions appointments pursuant to rule 4.17(7) of the Family Proceedings Rules (Northern Ireland) 1996
Practice Direction 06/2005 - Cases under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995: The use of telephone conferencing in directions appointments pursuant to rule 4.17(7) of the Family Proceedings Rules (Northern Ireland) 1996 Gillen J
Practice Direction 05/2005 - Preparation of Affidavits and Exhibits
Practice Direction 05/2005 - Preparation of Affidavits and Exhibits Kerr LCJ
Practice Note 01/2005 - Application for extension of time for compliance with Masters' Orders
Practice Note 01/2005 - Application for extension of time for compliance with Masters' Orders
Practice Direction 07/2005 - The Legal Aid for Crown Court Proceedings (Costs) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2005
Practice Direction 07/2005 - The Legal Aid for Crown Court Proceedings (Costs) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2005
Practice Direction 02/2004 - Orders for Possession
Practice Direction 02/2004 - Orders for Possession
Practice Direction 09/2004 - Pleading and Interlocutory Matters
Practice Direction 09/2004 - Pleading and Interlocutory Matters Hart J
Ex parte applications before the Masters in the Queen’s Bench Division
Practice Note 03/2004
Practice Direction 09/2003 - (1) Mortage Actions (2) Application by mortgagee for leave to enforce suspended possession order
Practice Direction 09/2003 - (1) Mortage Actions (2) Application by mortgagee for leave to enforce suspended possession order Girvan J
Practice Direction 06/2003 - Actions begun by originating summons
Practice Direction 06/2003 - Actions begun by originating summons Girvan J
Practice Direction 05/2003 - (1)Application for judgment in default of defence (2)Application of summary judgment (3)Orders (4)Amendment of Orders (5)Written judgments (6)Settlement or compromise of litigation (7)Enforcing terms of settlement (8)Venue of hearings before Master(Chancery) (9)Telephone Numbers
Practice Direction 5 of 2003 Girvan J
Practice Direction 04/2003 - Points in Practice
Practice Direction 04/2003 - Points in Practice Girvan J
Practice Direction 03/2003 - Hearing of Originating Summons, Summons or Notice of Motion by Judge
Practice Direction 03/2003 - Hearing of Originating Summons, Summons or Notice of Motion by Judge Girvan J
Consolidated County Court Practice Direction 1/2003
Consolidated County Court Practice Direction 1/2003
Pratice Note 02/03 - The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 - Hearings for the Renewal of Interim Care Orders
Pratice Note 02/03 - The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 - Hearings for the Renewal of Interim Care Orders
Practice Direction 01/2000 - Commercial List
Practice Direction 01/2000 - Commercial List
Practice Direction 01/2002 - Human Rights Act 1998
Practice Direction 01/2002 - Human Rights Act 1998 Carswell LCJ