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397 results
R v GL
[2020] NICA 56 Morgan LCJ
PPS v Lee Brown
[2020] NICA 55 Morgan LCJ
McGuinness's (Deborah) Application for Judicial Review (No 3)
[2020]v NICA 53` Morgan LCJ
McGuinness's (Deborah) Application for Judicial Review (No 1)
[2020] NICA 54 Morgan LCJ
R v Owen Corrigan
[2020] NICA 52 Morgan LCJ
R v Lee Smyth and Caolan Laverty
[2020] NICA 47 Morgan LCJ
O'Murchu (Risteard) and Shannon's (Arlene) Application
[2020] NIQB 59 Morgan LCJ
Fine Point Films and Trevor Birney’s Application, Barry McCaffrey’s Application and PSNI and Durham Constabulary for search warrants’ Application
[2020] NIQB 55 Morgan LCJ
Hawthorne's (Thomas Ronald) and White's (Raymond) Application
[2020] NICA 33 Morgan LCJ
Ketcher (Linda) and Mitchell's (Carol) Application
[2020] NICA 31 Morgan LCJ
R v John Patterson Hill
[2020]NICA 30 Morgan LCJ
R v McGrath
[2020] NICA 29 Morgan LCJ
Queen v Dominic McGrath
[2020] NICA 29 Morgan LCJ
Queen v Kieran Smith
[2020] NICA 24 Morgan LCJ
R v Garry Haggarty - DPP Appeal
[2020] NICA 22 Morgan LCJ
R v Haggarty
[2020] NICA 22 Morgan LCJ
A Petition by Petitioner X
[2020] NICA 21 Morgan LCJ
Close (Grainne) and Shannon Sickles and Christopher Flanagan-Kane and Henry Flanagan-Kane's Application
[2020] NICA 20 Morgan LCJ