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123 results
Kerr (Bronagh) v Thomas Cook Tour Operations Limited
[2015] NIQB 9 Maguire J
R v McPhillips (Mark William)
[2014] NICA 77 Maguire J
LC and RC v B McK
[2014] NIFam 12 Maguire J
Southern Health and Social Care Trust v A McS, JJ and J McI
[2014] NIFam 9 Maguire J
VK and AK v KK
[2014] NIFam 8 Maguire J
Queen v Ivan McDowell (Hearsay Ruling)
[2014] NICC 17 Maguire J
Queen v John Thompson (Hearsay Ruling)
[2014] NICC 18 Maguire J
Stennett (Seamus) v Dunnes Stores (Bangor) Ltd
[2014] NIQB 18 Maguire J
JG’s Application
[2014] NIFam 2 Maguire J
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust v JK, GC and JC
[2013] NIFam 10 Maguire J
Porter’s (Patrick) Application
[2013] NIQB 129 Maguire J
R v Daniel Bernard Gaskin and Gerard Gaskin
[2013] NICC 22 Maguire J
Stewart (Suzanne) v Miroslav Piater
[2013] NIQB 106 Maguire J
Coney’s (Gavin) Application
[2013] NIQB 148 Maguire J
VK and AK v KK and in the matter of the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985
[2013] NIFam 6 Maguire J
Ferris (Patricia) v Patricia Montgomery
[2013] NIQB 34 Maguire J
In the matter of the Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 between SMcC and Southern Health and Social Care Trust and HJM
[2013] NIFam 2 Maguire J
In the matter of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 between A Trust and EB SG
[2013] NIFam 1 Maguire J