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48 results
The King v Barry Donnelly
[2025] NICA 7 Keegan LCJ
Daniel McAuley and Rosealeen McAuley v Chief Constable of The Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2025] NIMaster 4 Master Harvey
The King v Noel David Quigley
[2025] NICA 6 Keegan LCJ
Lidl Northern Ireland Limited and Philip Russell Limited
[2025] NIKB 4 Colton J
Summary of judgment - Lidl NI Ltd v Philip Russell Ltd
Summary of judgment - Lidl NI Ltd v Philip Russell Ltd
The Bar Council of Northern Ireland's Application and The Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland's Application for Judicial Review
[2025] NIKB 6 McAlinden J
Matthew Cavan and Jolene Bunting
[2025] NICA 12
AB and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited
[2025] NIMaster 2 Master Harvey
Michael Gallagher and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2025] NIMaster 3 Master Bell
King v D
[2025] NICA 3 Treacy LJ
McCord's (Raymond) Application
[2025] NIKB 8 Scoffield J
Shima Esmail and Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2025] NICA 4 McCloskey LJ
Mitchell (Norma) Application for Judicial Review
[2025] NIKB 3 Scoffield J
Declan Boyle and Belfast City Council
[2025] NICty 1 His Honour Judge Gilpin
King v George Kirkpatrick, Cyril Cullen and Erin Cullen
[2025] NICA 5 Keegan LCJ
Summary of judgment - R v George Kirkpatrick, Cyril Cullen & Eric Cullen (CCRC)
Summary of judgment - R v George Kirkpatrick, Cyril Cullen & Eric Cullen (CCRC)
Mr and Mrs Macmillan (Appellants) and Ards and North Down Borough Council (Respondent)
NIVT 7/24E Mr Flanigan
Ciaran Quinn as administrator of the estate of Orlaith Quinn (deceased) and Siobhan Graham and others
[2025] NIMaster 1 Master Harvey