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26 results
JR276's (A Patient) Application and In the matter of decisions of Muckamore Abbey Hospital Enquiry and the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
[2023] NIKB 107 Scoffield J
Northern Ireland Badger Group and Wild Justice's Application
[2023] NIKB 117 Scoffield J
In the matter of an inquest into the deaths of John Dougal, Patrick Butler, Noel Fitzpatrick, David McCafferty and Margaret Gargan (The Springhill Inquest) - Ruling No. 2 on applications for PIP status by Brian Pettigrew and SM16
[2023] NICoroner 25 Scoffield J
JR241's Application and In the matter of a decision of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust
[2023] NIKB 91 Scoffield J
In the matter of the inquests touching on the deaths of Michael James Ryan, Anthony Patrick Dorris and Laurence McNally and in the matter of 'Soldier F', A person served with a subpoena in aid of an inferior court
[2023] NIKB 100 Scoffield J
Re JR168 and Another’s Application (Suspension of police constable)
[2023] NIKB 83 Scoffield J
JR282 Application for Judicial Review (leave stage)
[2023] NIKB 82 Scoffield J
In the matter of an application by (1) Robin McMinnis and (2) The Commissioner for older people in Northern Ireland for Judicial Review and in the matter of decisions of (1) The Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and (2) The Department of Health
[2023] NIKB 72 Scoffield J
King v (1) David Christopher Gill (2) Lesley Ann Dodds (3) William Gill (4) Andrew Leslie (5) Jonathan Richard Leslie Montgomery
[2023] NICC 21 Scoffield J
JR264's Application and in the matter of a decision of The Department of Education
[2023] NIKB 68 Scoffield J
Michael Richard Mulhern and Jacqueline Patricia Mulhern and The Australian Government and The Commonwealth of Australia
[2023] NICA 32 Scoffield J
Michael Richard Mulhern and Jacqueline Patricia Mulhern and The Australian Government and The Commonwealth of Australia
[2023] NICA 32 Scoffield J
Tanner's (Curtis) Application and in the matter of a decision of The Northern Ireland Prison Service
[2023] NIKB 60 Scoffield J
TA's (A minor) acting by his mother and Next Friend Application and In the matter of decisions of Compensation Services NI and the Department of Justice
[2023] NIKB 57 Scoffield J
Bunting's (Jolene) Application and in the matter of a decision of the Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards
[2023] NIKB 50 Scoffield J
RG's (A minor) Application and in the matter of decisions of The Department of Education (Ruling on Costs)
[2023] NIKB 48 Scoffield J
Finucane (Geraldine) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision of The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Ruling on post - judgment issues)
[2023] NIKB 42 Scoffield J
Bunting's (Suzanne) Application and in the matter of a decision of The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
[2023] NIKB 43 Scoffield J