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31 results
Christopher McGettigan and Mannok Holdings
[2023] NIKB 90 Mr Friedman KC sitting as HCJ
Christopher McGettigan and Mannok Holdings
[2023] NIKB 90 Mr Friedman KC sitting as HCJ
Kieran Cullinan
R/3/2023 Mr Spence
Roberta Young and Ards and North Down Borough Council
[2023] NICC 53 McCloskey LJ
Mr Colm Mark McAteer (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 12/22E Mr Gibson
Inquest into the death of Leo Norney - Anonymity and Screening Ruling on Soldiers' M1, M2 and M3
[2023] NICoroner 12 His Honour Judge McGurgan
DPP v Kevin Nixon
[2023] NICA 57 McCloskey LJ
Kevin Barry Murphy's Application
[2023] NIKB 99 Humphreys J
Abdul Said and Secretary of State for The Home Department
[2023] NICA 49 McCloskey LJ