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386 results
A Father and A Mother and in the matter of NI (a male child aged 10 years) (No. 2)
[2022] NIFam 28 McFarland J
Briege McQuaid
R/18/2021 Mr Spence
Henderson Group
R/14/2021 Mr Spence
Ciaran McKavanagh and Brenda Brewster
[2022] NICA 50 Keegan LCJ
David Frew
VT/1/2022 Mr Spence
Louise Patricia McGowan and Antonio Maria Moredu v District Judge McElholm
[2022] NIQB 62 McCloskey LJ
John Charles Quinn and Ita Bernadette Quinn and Swift First Limited
[2022] NICA 43 Keegan LCJ
JR188 Application for leave to apply for Judicial review of a decision of the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trust on 18th July 2021
[2022] NIQB 55 Colton J
JR154, JR155 and JR156's (all minors) and their Next Friends Applications (Leave stage)
[2022] NIQB 54 Colton J
Court delivers decision on the challenge to teaching arrangements for Religious Education and Collective Worship in Controlled Primary Schools
Summary of judgement - Court delivers decision on the challenge to teaching arrangements for Religious Education and Collective Worship in Controlled Primary Schools
JR87 (By her Mother and Next Friend) and her Father ("G") Application for Judicial Review
[2022] NIQB 53 Colton J
Bryson's (Jamie) Application
[2022] NICA 38 Horner J
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses appeal to refusal of application for leave to apply for judicial review - Bryson v The Department of Infrastructure and the Department of Communities
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses appeal to refusal of application for leave to apply for judicial review - Bryson v The Department of Infrastructure and the Department of Communities
Wright's (Stephen) Application
[2022] NIQB 50 Colton J
Queen v Paul Campbell
[2022] NICA 41 Treacy LJ
Queen v Paul Campbell
[2022] NICA 42 Treacy LJ
HM and VM
[2022] NICA 37 McBride J
Queen v David Lyness
[2022] NICA 40 Treacy LJ