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213 results
Quinn's (Francis) Application
[2020] NIQB 20 Mr Humphreys QC sitting as HCJ
Green's (Patrick Jude) App Green's (Patrick Jude) Application
[2020] NIQB 22 Mr Humphreys QC sitting as HCJ
Lennon, Marina and The Department for Social Development
[2020] NICA 15 Stephens LJ
Ramsey's (Steven) Application (No.2)
[2020] NICA 14 Morgan LCJ
In the matter of an Inquest into the death of Jade Rogan
[2020] NICoroner 3 Mr McGurgan
McCord's (Raymond) Application and in the matter of a decision by the Legal Service Agency for Northern Ireland
[2020] NIQB 17 Keegan J
Queen v Stephen McKinney (Ruling - Admissibility of ABE Interviews)
[2020] NICC 18 McBride J
McCourt, Hazel Kim, Trustee for civil recovery on behalf of the national Crime Agency and [1] Aurang Zeb Khan [2] Shakar Begum
[2020] NICh 3 Mr Simpson KC sitting as HCJ
Wilson t/a Bathroom Paradise v Kilkeel Development Association
[2020] NIQB 37 Maguire J
O'Neill's (Luke) Application
[2020] NIQB 16 Colton J
Trevor McKee and Joseph Hughes and The Attorney General for Northern Ireland and The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and the Department for Communities - The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and Sean Caughey and The Attorney General for Northern Ireland - Robert Crawford and The Attorney General for Northern Ireland and The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and Trevor McKee
[2020] NICA 13 McCloskey LJ
R v Stephen Coleman
[2020] NICC 5 His Honour Judge McFarland
R v Coleman
[2020] NICC 5 His Honour Judge McFarland
Eilish Morley (on her own behalf as personal representative of the estate of Eoin Morley (deceased)) and The Ministry of Defence and Peter Keeley and The Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and The office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
[2020] NIQB 77 Horner J
Lavery's (Robert) Application v Public Records Office NI
[2020] NIQB 12 McCloskey LJ
Lavery's (Patrick) Application
[2020] NIQB 13 McCloskey LJ
McEvoy's (John) Application v Chief Constable of PSNI
[2020] NIQB 14 McCloskey LJ
Cameron's (Colm) Application v Chief Constable of The Police Service (NI)
[2020] NIQB 11 McCloskey LJ