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25 results
R v GT and HT and in the matter of a reference by the Director of Public Prosecutions(NI)
[2020] NICA 51 McCloskey LJ
Ms DL (Appellant) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
NIVT 32/19 Mr Farrelly
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Paul Aiden McKeown
[2020] NICoroner 5 Mr McGurgan
A Father and A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and a Great Aunt and In the matter of Stefan (A minor) (Appeal:Interim Care Order: Immediate Removal)
[2020] NIFam 22 Keegan J
Ms Siobhan Ruddy (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 14/19 Mr Farrelly
Mr & Mrs P Reavy (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 12/19 Mr Farrelly
JR97 Application and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
[2020] NICA 50 McCloskey LJ
JK Fabrications Limited and Fastfix Limited and Tobsteel GMBH
[20202] NIQB 63 Mr Larkin KC sitting as HCJ
A Health and Social Care Trust and Ms TA and Mr K and Mr C and Mr and Mrs SB and In the matter of Sam and Leah (Minors) (Residence Order: Declaration: Contact Order)
[2020] NIFam 21 Keegan J
Mary Patricia Robinson and Jill Anne Hendron as Executors and Personal representatives of the estate of Isaac Stevenson (Deceased) and Olive Boyd and those persons occupying 1 Largymore Drive, Lisburn, BT27 5BS
[2020] NICh 14 McBride J
Lagan Construction Limited t/a Charles Brand and Northern Ireland Water Limited
[2020] NIQB 61 Horner J
TES Group Limited and Northern Ireland Water Limited
[2020] NIQB 62
HM and VM
[2020] NIFam 30 Keegan J
R v GM
[2020] NICA 49 McCloskey LJ
R v Casey Morgan
[2020] NICA 48 McCloskey LJ
R v Lee Smyth and Caolan Laverty
[2020] NICA 47 Morgan LCJ
Summary of Judgment - R v Lee Smyth and Caolan Laverty
Summary of Judgment - R v Lee Smyth and Caolan Laverty
Ms Ann O'Prey (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 8/19 Mr Flanigan