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25 results
Frizzell (Patrick) v PSNI
[2019] NIQB 90 McAlinden J
McIlroy-Rose, Andrea (as personal representative of the estate of John McIlroy) (Deceased) and Robert McKeating
[2019] NICh 13 McBride J
Jenkins's (Karina Sousa Pinheiro) Application
[2019] NIQB 87 Keegan J
Kerr, Ronald and Agnes Jean Jamison
[2019] NICA 48 McCloskey LJ
Greenbelt (NI) Limited's Application
[2019] NICA 47 Deeny LJ , Morgan LCJ , Stephens LJ
McGuigan’s (Francis) and McKenna’s (Mary) Application
[2019] NICA 46 Morgan LCJ
North West bookmakers Ltd t/a Ladbrookes and Gala Case Ltd t/a Toals Bookmakers
[2019] NICh 12 McBride J
McGuinness's (Deborah) Application (No 2) v The Sentence Review Commissioners
[2019] NIQB 85 McCloskey LJ
Craig, Claire Elizabeth and Tullymurry Equestrian Centre
[2019] NIQB 94
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Kieran Michael McManus
[2019] NICoroner 11 Mr McGurgan
Allister (James Hugh) and Robert Edwin Agnew's Application v Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
[2019] NIQB 79 McCloskey LJ
Queen v Thomas Gerard Scarlett and Martin Stanley Nicholas Burke
[2019] NICA 45 McCloskey LJ
Magee, Maureen as Administratrix of the estate of Jonathan Magee (Deceased) and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2019] NIQB 83 Maguire J
McCord (Raymond), JR83 and Jamie Waring's Applications v The Prime Minister and others
[2019] NIQB 78 McCloskey LJ
R v Eamon Foley
[2019] NICA 44 Treacy LJ
Magee, Ian Maurice and Kenneth and Jocelyn Stewart
[2019] NIQB 93 Maguire J
Buchanan, Lucy and Jim Courtney and Linda Courtney T/As Nutts Corner Boarding Kennels and Cattery
[2019] NIQB 84
Copeland, Isobel, suing as widow and personal representative of the estate of John Thomas Deceased and The Ministry of Defence
[2019] NIMaster 9 Master McCorry