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32 results
Heaney v Byrne
[2019] NIQB 15 McCloskey J
Bowe's (Jonathan) Application
[2019] NIQB 16 McCloskey J
Denmin Limited v Hughes (John) and Hughes (Sinead) (2nd judgment)
[2019] NIQB 13 McAlinden J
R v McVeigh (Sean)
[2019] NICC 8 His Honour Judge Fowler QC
Craig's (Dennis) Application
[2019] NIQB 11 McCloskey J
Sonam Tsering Chudrun's (Application)
[2019] NICA 9 McCloskey J
Queen v QD
[2019] NICA 7 Stephens LJ
Morley (Eilish) on her own behalf and as personal representative of the estate of Morley (Eoin) (deceased) v The Ministry of Defence and others
[2019] NIMaster 1 Master Bell
McAteer (Daniel) v Fox (Brendan) Partner - Cleaver Fulton Rankin
[2019] NICA 8 Treacy LJ
R v Cowan (Kenneth)
[2019] NICC 2 His Honour Judge McFarland