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258 results
Rice (Ellen) v Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2018] NIQB 9 Maguire J
JR79's Application
[2018] NIQB 11 Keegan J
R v Haggarty (Gary)
[2018] NICC 1 Colton J
McGuckin (Margaret) v Sunday Newspapers Limited
[2018] NIQB 6 McCloskey J
CC's Application
[2018] NIQB 4 McCloskey J
Heaney (Bernadette) Sole Executrix of McEvoy (Grace) v McEvoy (Jacqueline) & McCartney (Michelle)
[2018] NICA 4 Morgan LCJ
Kelly's (Joseph) Application
[2018] NIQB 8 McCloskey J
Flynn (John) v Chief Constable of The Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2018] NICA 3 Morgan LCJ
Hawthorne's (Thomas Ronald) and White's (Raymond) Application
[2018] NIQB 5 McCloskey J
Republic of Poland v Gorny (Waldemar)
[2018] NIQB 50 Stephens LJ
R v McLaughlin (Henry Patrick) & Grew (Aidan Francis)
[2018] NICA 5 Deeny LJ
In the matter of applications by Rowlands (Brian) and Rowlands (Patricia) v Department for Communities
[2018] NIQB 3 McCloskey J
R v Beattie (Alfred)
[2018] NICA 1 Morgan LCJ
R v Fegan (Darren)
[2018] NICA 2 Morgan LCJ
Deehan's (Desmond) Application
[2018] NIQB 2 McCloskey J
YPK, MMC, SSH, YYN, GCS, XS, LSH, XH, YZY/YRD and YQZ's Application
[2018] NIQB 1 McCloskey J