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396 results
Nesbitt's (Dermott) Application
[2017] NIQB 116 McCloskey J
Pigeon Top Windfarm Limited's Application
[2017] NIQB 119 Keegan J
In the matter of an inquest touching upon the death of Mr Joseph Parker
[2017] NICoroner 8 Mr McCrisken
In the matter of an inquest touching upon the death of Mr Joseph Parker
[2017] NICoroner 8 Mr McCrisken
R v Shaw (Jason)
[2017] NICC 10 His Honour Judge McFarland
Rural Integrity (Lisburn 01) Limited's Application
[2017] NIQB 133 Keegan J
Arthurs (Declan) v News Group Newspapers Limited
[2017] NICA 70 Deeny LJ
Practice Direction 02/17 - Interlocutory Applications
Practice Direction 02/17 - Interlocutory Applications District Judge Brownlie , His Honour Judge McFarland
William Young (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
28/15 Ms Ramsey
LCJ Direction 05/17 - Armagh hearing Centre (County Court PD 02/17)
LCJ Direction 05/17 - Armagh hearing Centre (County Court PD 02/17) His Honour Judge McFarland
LAM Application v South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
[2017] NIQB 110 McCloskey J
R v McClenaghan (Fred)
[2017] NICC 9 Colton J
McGurk's (Frank) Application
[2017] NIQB 108 McBride J
Court sets life sentence tariff for Fred McClenaghan
summary of judgment - Court sets life sentence tariff for Fred McClenaghan Colton J
C v C
[2017] NIFam 17
R v A
[2017] NICA 68 Stephens LJ
Patterson's (Michael) Application
[2017] NIQB 112 Keegan J
Patterson's (Michael) Application
[2017] NIQB 112 Keegan J