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305 results
Johnstone's (Dorothy) Application
[2017] NIQB 33 Deeny J
Murphy's (Chris) Application
[2017] NIQB 35 Keegan J
Lusby (Herbert A) v McAteer (Daniel), McGill (Gavin), Downey (Kevin) and Sheehan (Martin)
[2017] NIQB 36 McBride J
Bell's (Patricia) Application
[2017] NIQB 38 Maguire J
R v McConnan (Keith)
[2017] NICA 40 Weatherup LJ
HSBC Bank Limited v Robinson (Ivan) and Robinson (Louise)
[2017] NICh 7 McBride J
Caldwell (Kathleen) v Bryson (Raymond) and Others
[2017] NICh 9 Horner J
R v Grimes (Michael Hugh Declan)
[2017] NICA 19 Gillen LJ
McLaughlin & Harvey Limited v Lockton Companies International Limited and McLaughlin & Harvey Limited v Lockton Companies LLP
[2017] NIMaster 2 Master McCorry
Fergus v Marcail
[2017] NIFam 6 McBride J
[2017] NIFam 7 Keegan J
Mid-Ulster District Council's Application
[2017] NIQB 32 Colton J
Gribben's (Sally) Application
[2017] NICA 16 Morgan LCJ
Knox (Lindsay) v Henderson Retail Ltd
[2017] NICA 17 Weir LJ
Cushnahan (Francis) v British Broadcasting Corporation & Adams (Jeremy)
[2017] NIQB 30 Stephens J
Mohamed's (Rabia Salim Naser) Application
[2017] NIQB 31 Maguire J
A Health and Social Care Trust v C
[2017] NIFam 5 O'Hara J
Conradh Na Gaeilge's Application and In the Matter of a Failure by the Executive Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly to Comply with its Duty Pursuant to Section 28D of the Northern Ireland Act 1998
[2017] NIQB 27 Maguire J